Here at National Indian Women’s Health Resource Center (NIWHRC), we are committed to developing prevention programs:
Safe Journey is a project focusing on preventing and reducing underage drinking and substance use by youth aged 9-20 years old. This project offers support to community led coalitions focused on developing an evidence-based substance use prevention strategy for their unique community needs. This project is funded by SAMHSA.
Many Paths is a Native Connections project aiming to define the need for services and the gaps between needed and available mental health and substance abuse services. This project identifies barriers to trauma-informed suicide and substance abuse prevention. Focusing on early intervention activities for American Indian youth and emerging adults at risk, or currently experiencing issues that may lead to suicide. This project delivers QPR Training (Question, Persuade, and Refer) for area businesses and community groups to educate staff on suicide prevention and response. Also, delivered through this project, is the Alcohol Literacy Challenge Class, Testimonials, Mental Health Activities, and Outreach Events. This project is funded by SAMHSA.
Safe Passage is a Tribal Opioid Response project to help create, maintain and sustain a comprehensive, integrated and trauma-informed opioid and methamphetamine treatment, prevention and recovery support system for all American Indians who are currently, or at risk of experiencing, an OUD of SUD. This project is funded by SAMHSA.
Safe Path is a MHAT grant with a purpose to expand and enhance efforts to promote mental health awareness, establish referral linkages, more readily identify persons with mental illness, employ de-escalation techniques, and educate the community with available resources. This project is funded by SAMHSA.